1. First and Foremost, Don’t assume that a litter of kittens is orphaned just because you don’t see mom. It’s common for the mother to leave her babies and “hide” them in what appears to be unusual spaces to us but to Mom she thinks they are “safe” spots…so give the kittens some space and see if the mom returns. Their mom is the best chance they have for survival, so leave them with her and do NOT take them to a shelter!! If the mom does not return after 4-6 hours, it is time for you to step in and help!
2. Supplies…. Carrier, Heating Pad, KMR, Pedialyte, Meat Baby Food, Karo Syrup, Blankets, wash cloths, cotton balls, eye wash. Time is of essence because orphans must be kept safe, warm, hydrated, and fed. Check out the Kitten Lady’s page Preparing For Fostering
3. WARMTH! Yes even in the Summer. Kittens cannot control their body temperature, so help them regulate their body temperature before feeding. A heating pad on low UNDER the box/carrier, a warm water bottle covered with a thin towel, or even a sock filled with rice and put in the microwave can all provide a mild heat source.
4. FEED! Never feed cow’s milk to a kitten!! Purchase kitten milk replacer (KMR) at the pet store or stop by The Vet On Main as we have Bottles and Powdered Milk Replacer. Remember kittens do NOT eat on their back. Please feed them upright!
Watch the Bottle Feeding Video
5. StiMULATE! Mamma Cat licks them to stimulate elimination. You must mimic this behavior by stimulating the kittens with a warm, wet cloth at each feeding.
6. Wash, rinse, repeat. Orphaned neonatal kittens require around-the-clock care, so you’ll want to establish a routine of care every 2-4 hours.
7. VET CARE – If a kitten has difficulty breathing, is lethargic, bleeding, not eating, has infection in the eye, unable to defecate, develops vomiting or has foul-smelling diarrhea, you must take him/her to the vet! Flea treatments should not be used on very tiny kittens so give a bath with dish soap and use a flea comb to remove any fleas. For severe infestations ask your Veterinarian about Revolution. Kittens can be born with roundworms and hookworms, so Pyrantel may be given to deworm every 2 weeks. Kittens should receive their first Distemper (FVRCP) vaccine at 6-8 weeks of age and be tested for Feline Leukemia & Aids.
8. Tricks of the trade…if diarrhea develops, add a little plain canned pumpkin or sweet potato baby food for a little fiber and give plain pedialyte as diarrhea can be a killer in tiny kittens. Or feed a bland diet of pureed meat (cheaper to blend it with ninja or stick blender, etc. than buying jarred meat baby food) mixed with baby rice or oatmeal cereal.
PRO-PECTALIN (Available from Dr. Fry) is a good anti-diarrheal…NEVER give Kaopectate or PeptoBismol as these products contain salicylate, which is a form of aspirin that can be deady to cats!
Probiotics like Proviable (Available from Dr. Fry), Fortiflora or Benebac are helpful but Plain yogurt can be used. May also use broth for hydration but remember NO ONION! The baby cereal can also be mixed with the Milk Replacer when transitioning to solids.
Normal: Skin snaps back to its normal position immediately.
6-8% Dehydrated: a short delay in the skin returning to its normal–immediately start Syringing Oral Fluids–see homemade Pedialyte recipe below.
10-12% Dehydrated: the skin will actually look like a TENT and will not go back to its normal position. This is an EMERGENCY to get the cat re-hydrated with SQ or IV fluids!
* 1 cup distilled water (or boil water then cool)
* 2 tsp sugar
* 1/8 tsp salt
* 1/8 tsp baking soda
Resolution #1: Measure Their Food – Just as we humans resolve to get healthier and lose weight, it should be a priority for Pets Too! Use a MEASURING CUP to make sure you feed your pet the right amount. Guidelines on the pet food bag are just that….the amount of food your pet needs depends on his or her activity. Most of the recommendations are WAY TOO MUCH for the average pet. For example, an average 10-pound cat only needs 1/2 cup of dry food PER day! And CANNED FOOD is MUCH BETTER for Cats because it fills them up with Water and High Protein!
Resolution #2: EXERCISE Your Pet – MAKE TIME TO PLAY! We often have good intentions when it comes to making time, but we don’t always do it. Set aside 30 minutes in the morning, after work or before bed to play with your pet. Fairchild has a LOT of Great Toys. Shopping for a Cause. Kong Laser Toys, Hand-made Organic Catnip Sacks, wand toys and MORE!!
Resolution #3: Start a Pet Savings Fund – Just add a Penny Plus One Every Day. Medical bills can quickly add up, but if you have an Emergency Fund, this will help get the care your pet needs. Saving A Penny a day is only $3.66 for the whole year (it’s LEAP Year) but if you add an extra penny each day, you will actually save $671.61 this year. (Day 1, 1 cent; Day 2, 2 cents, Day 100, $1.00; Day 150, $1.50, etc.) SO….Start saving up now!
Resolution #4: MICROCHIP Your Pet
No pet parent ever wants to be in a situation where their pet is lost, but you can at least be sure that they will be returned to you as quickly as possible by getting them chipped and keep their pet ID up to date.
Resolution #5: Clear Out Old ToysJust as people need to clear out their clutter, our pets need to too. New Year’s is the perfect time to toss those yucky toys into the trash, and give your pet something new to play with.
Resolution #6: Start a Medical Log – Keep a Journal of Your Pet’s Medical History. Write down what your pet eats, vaccine history, vet visit dates, medications and any changes in daily activity.
Resolution #7: Give Them a Grooming or Just a Brush –Brushing your pet not only removes excess fur from the coat but reduces the amount you find on your clothes and furniture. Brushing also distribute oils from the skin to the fur, keeping the coat shiny and healthy. AND FOR CATS, BRUSHING REDUCES HAIRBALLS!
Resolution #8: Visit the Vet – Get a Physical for Your Pet The most important resolution for any pet owner to make is vowing to take your pet to the veterinarian at least once a year. As much as we love our pets and pay close attention to them, there can be things that we can’t see going on underneath the surface. Make sure to take them in for an annual checkup.
Resolution #9: EAT HEALTHIER – Why not try a Premium Food for Your Pets. Healthy Advantage + Proplan Available at The Vet On Main.
Keep Your Pet Indoors
Even if you have a cat who is extremely street savvy, the sudden noise of firecrackers going off in the neighborhood can cause her to become upset, scared and disoriented. It’s not only the frightening noise that can cause panic, it can also be the burning smell of the firecrackers.
Sadly, there are also some mean people in this world who like to deliberately frighten animals by tossing firecrackers in their direction. It would be very easy for a cat or dog, trying to escape, to end up running right into oncoming traffic.
Be Careful Going in and Out
If you’re having a cook-out, be careful as you go in and out the door to prevent an unwanted escape. Double check that doors are securely latched and that window screens don’t have any tears and are firmly in place. Cats can easily push through a flimsy screen.
Update Identification
Even if you always keep your cat indoors, make sure her identification is current. It’s easy for a kitty to slip out the door while in a panicky state and end up lost, injured or even dead. Microchipping is the safest method of identification but it’s no good if you haven’t updated your information with the registry. Collars with identification should also be used but be sure the information on the tag is current. Even if your cat doesn’t normally wear a collar, it would be a good idea to put one on as an extra safety measure in case she slips out with all the commotion.
Set up a Sanctuary Room
If you’re having guests over or you’re going to be away, set up a sanctuary room for your cat that includes some safe hiding places and all the resources she’ll need. A donut bed and some boxes on their sides lined with towels will provide some hiding places. This sanctuary room should have the door closed with a “DO NOT ENTER” sign on the door. Also it is recommended to plug in a FELIWAY Diffuser to help ease your kitty.
Take a Current Photo
Have a current photo ready just in case your cat does get lost and you need to make a Lost Poster and post on Facebook.
Use Distraction
If your cat is getting anxious about the noise going on outdoors, distract her with interactive playtime. Keep your body language and tone very casual so that you send a message to her that all is ok in her world. You can play a cat-entertainment DVD to keep her occupied. YouTube also has videos that showcase fish, birds and other critters that will keep kitty amused and distracted.
Use Music as a Buffer
Play classical music to block out the noise taking place outdoors.
RELAX MY CAT is specifically for cats and available on Youtube or you can download the APP for your phone.
Keep Cats on Their Normal Diet
Picnic and BBQ foods can cause stomach upset and even be extreme toxicity. For example, Onions, Garlic & Chives cause Heinz Body Anemia
Make sure all these foods and beverages are kept out of reach of your pets and that all guests know the rules about not offering table scraps to your pets, even if they beg and look cute.
If your pet is too stressed to eat her regular diet, you can offer some plain meat baby food from the grocery store.
Keep Citronella out of Reach
Even inhaling the citronella scent can cause irritation to your cat so keep all of these things out of your pet’s reach. If your cat gets into the oil used to fuel the candle, it could cause burns in the mouth, stomach upset and damage the central nervous system.
No Glowsticks
The popular glowsticks that are used for jewelry and outdoors at night can cause sore mouths and stomach upset if chewed. Keep these things out of your pet’s reach.
Don’t give your cat any calming medication unless you’ve been instructed to do so by your vet.
Natural Remedies such as RESCUE REMEDY may be added to the water or given directly into the mouth.
Also, HOMEOPET ANXIETY DROPS may safely be used to help ease the stress of fireworks https://www.
Alternatively, MELATONIN can help relax your cat….the dose is 1-2 mg per adult cat twice a day. This can be purchased from the health food store or available in a treat by NaturVet called Quiet Moments Calming Aid Plus Melatonin
2. The female flea can lay 2,000 eggs in her lifetime.
3. A flea can live more than 100 days without a blood meal.
4. The female flea consumes 15 times her own body weight in blood daily….fleas can be deadly for small kittens!
5. Pets with fleas may develop anemia, tapeworms or intense bouts of itching due to flea bite allergy
The best way to check for fleas is with a flea comb. PREVENTION IS KEY! Apply topical flea control monthly. Be aware that cats can NOT have anything with PERMETHRIN in it. So please READ LABELS and do NOT use dog products on cats. Prescription products such as Vectra & Catego (, Revolution ( and Bravecto for Cats ( are proven to treat fleas effectively and safely.
Chocolate Mini Pretzels
Gummy Sharks
Feline Facts and Folklore from Facebook
- Cats Have Sharp Tongues
All feline tongues, from tabby house pets to 600-pound Bengal tigers, are covered with tiny barbs or hooks, giving the tongue a rough texture. These microscopic projections, called “filiform papillae,” face toward the cat’s throat and are the tools that help it groom its coat. The barbs work like a comb, catching and cleaning the cat’s fur.
- They Come Down the Way They Go Up
Cats can’t climb head first down trees because every claw on the feline paw points in the same direction. To get out of a tree, Fluffy must back down.
- Some Cats Are All Thumbs
Polydactyl cats have more than the usual number of toes and are known by many names, including Hemingway cat, mitten cat, big-foot cat, six-toed cat, and even cats with thumbs.
- Some Are Lefties
A study in the UK found that, like people, cats are either right-handed or left-handed, though some are ambidextrous. Females are more likely to be right-handed while males are more frequently left-handed. A study conducted at Turkey’s Atatürk University showed that 50 percent of domestic cats are right pawed, 40 percent favor their left paws, and 10 percent are ambidextrous.
- Male Calicos Are the Result of Quirky Genetics
According to cat expert Dr. Arnold Plotnick, approximately one calico in 3,000 is male, thanks to a genetic oddity known as “Klinefelter syndrome.” A kitty with this condition has X and Y chromosomes, making it a male, but he also has an extra X chromosome that allows for the expression of the calico coat pattern.
- Speedy Cats
It has been reported that a cat can travel at a top speed of approximately 31 mph over a short distance. It has also been reported that domestic cats have a top speed of 29.8 mph.